Sunday, September 26, 2010

Family Pictures-Little sneek

I have been doing lots of families lately. Isn't this family so cute. They did great. Little sis was a little bit stingy on the smiles but we got a few.


RaCHeL said...

I love the blue in the background! Great job!

The Naughty Lahtis said...

i love the baby single shot!!!


kandis said...

thanks megan! great job, like always!

Stephanie Evans said...

Oooo, Kandis looks beautiful! Great job. Fun backgrounds!

Crescent said...

I love those beautiful blue eyes! Cute family and cute pictures.

Unknown said...

there are so cute, that one with the basket just gets me! i hope all is well! susan

kristenita said...

I love the catch light in the eyes of little ones' individual portraits. great job!