Thursday, August 26, 2010

Still Busy

I took this Families pictures a couple times last year and their oldest little boy is still so busy. He is full of energy running all over the place. The chair he is sitting on was the best thing I brought. He loved it! I bought it at a garage sale for .50 cents and he loved it. If you notice he is sitting in it in most of the family pictures. That is how we got him to hold still for 1 minute. It was the best .50 cents I have have spent for a while! Anyways...on to the pictures. This place was so fun to take pictures at. It was just full of cool places! It was moms idea to shoot here and I am so glad she suggested it!!

I am pretty sure these two pictures below capture these two boys perfectly.

7 comments: said...

I love those two little boys, they are so stinkin cute!! Beautiful pictures!!

RaCHeL said...

They look great! Where is that place? I love all the different spots to shoot. K, the pic with the two boys & the crate...hilarious! I love how he is squishing Carsons face. Nicely done as usual! :)

Elder and Sister Steel said...

I love the setting! And what a cute family! BEautiful colors! Mom

Elder and Sister Steel said...

These are darling pictues! I love that old car and the beautiful arch! Those little boys are to die for!! I love the little boy squishing the stuffing out of his brother! The Mother has such a beautiful smile! So dang cute!-Jodi

The Naughty Lahtis said...

I love the shots. The factory is the perfect place for their family.


kandis said...

love the photo with the truck! awesome work, as always!

Anonymous said...

These are some of my favorites too! Love the photo with the truck too. You rock! -Kristy