Friday, August 6, 2010


This family made me so happy. They were so fun to photograph! They were themselves and so at ease in front of the camera. I especially love it when dads just seem to enjoy the time with there family and aren't in a big rush to be done. I seriously left this session so happy! I loved every second of it! They were so great to be around!

These two were so perfect in front of the camera. Still so in love! Refreshing! They were just too easy!!
I seriously LOVE this one!
Cute little Sisters!
I adore these next two... Really isn't she so cute!
I don't know what it is about this one... It just got me!
I love these little cheeks!


Rach said...

Those are adorable! You need to send the one where she is wearing the hat in somewhere...she looks like a little model

Elder and Sister Steel said...

Oh so beautiful! The field of flowers, the kids, even the dog was cute.

Crescent said...

I've been excited to see these! Such a cute family. I love that black and white couple one!

Unknown said...

these are really great!

Wilson family said...

Wow!! What beautiful pictures! Such a darling family! The children are so beautiful with their big brown eyes! Another great shoot Meg!

Anonymous said...

absolutely beautiful!!! What a gorgeous family and I loooooove that field and those amazing flowers.

kristenita said...
