Thursday, July 22, 2010

This is why...

This is why I am into photography. I am so thankful I can capture moments like these. Sweet moments that can be cherished forever. This is a sweet little family I have had the chance to photograph a lot in the past couple weeks. This is one story that will make you teary and touch you to the core. This is one of my sweet good friends. She has been expecting a little baby girl. Her pregnancy was awesome she was doing so great. She went into labor and got routine blood work done and they found some serious abnormalities in her blood work. After tons of experts coming in they determined it was most likely Leukemia. Soon after having her baby she was rushed to Roswell park (our Cancer hospital here). There she was officially diagnosed with AML Leukemia. She has probably held her baby for maybe a total of 2 hours in 2 weeks. Seeing her baby only a few times. I got to take some pictures of their PERFECT baby girl for Megan to have. Her time with her baby is limited each day to 20 minutes. I got to also go and take some family pictures in her hospital room, the next day she was in serious condition and admitted to the ICU, were she still is. I am so glad I was able to take these when I did. To read more of the story check out the Facebook page and her Website. Don't forget this sweet family in your prayers.

Here they are all together...

I love this one so much...I just do...
Oh and I love LOVE this one too...So sweet...
So tender...
I didn't pose this picture at all. This is how Megan's hands were touching sweet little Rylee's feet. Megan's hands are so pretty aren't they.
These are some pictures I went and took of Rylee on a separate day while she was still in the hospital. Pictures for her momma to look at and see her when she cant hold and cuddle her. I wanted these pictures to be very real and raw feeling. I didn't do any "touch ups" on these. I think she was just a day new.
Ryan wont post any pictures of him with Rylee...But I will :)

Rylee was SO alert and aware...she was so new...Isn't she absolutely perfect!


Anonymous said...

Megan, beautiful job and how amazing to get to use something you love so much to love on someone else. What a gift you have given them. I want to see more!

Elder and Sister Steel said...

Wonderful photos! We wish them the best!

Drew and Michele said...


The Favorite said...

WOW Megan- Thank you!
Those pictures are beautiful and so full of emotion- they made me cry. Great work.

Becky said...

Beautiful pictures. You are really blessing people with your talent. Since she didn't get to see the first precious days Megan will cherish these.

Crescent said...

I can't look at these without getting all emotional! So sweet, they will love them forever.

Mark and Katie said...

megan, these pictures are so sweet. you are so talented and so wonderful to share your talent with them and all of us. those pictures will be cherished by that family

Unknown said...

Beautiful photos Megan. I'm so glad you were able to go up there and capture precious moments. You do great work!

Erin said...

great job Megan. I am a good friend of Megans and I'm sure she will love these pictures. I can't even imagine how it must be to rarely see your newborn and thinking about how much you are missing. These pictures really are priceless!