Friday, August 27, 2010

Old Car

While we were taking these pictures, dad comes driving out in this car. I got pretty excited and wanted to use it in some pictures. This little girl wasn't wanting me to take her picture but when she got into the car we started playing peek-a-boo and I got this shot...I adore this picture! I would blow it up huge if it was my baby!

Just the Kids

I love cute kids!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Still Busy

I took this Families pictures a couple times last year and their oldest little boy is still so busy. He is full of energy running all over the place. The chair he is sitting on was the best thing I brought. He loved it! I bought it at a garage sale for .50 cents and he loved it. If you notice he is sitting in it in most of the family pictures. That is how we got him to hold still for 1 minute. It was the best .50 cents I have have spent for a while! Anyways...on to the pictures. This place was so fun to take pictures at. It was just full of cool places! It was moms idea to shoot here and I am so glad she suggested it!!

I am pretty sure these two pictures below capture these two boys perfectly.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Fun Family

Another great family! These kids were ridiculously easy to take pictures of. They were naturals. The baby was even a little gem. He got woken up from a nap and was pretty happy about it! I want to take them all home with me.

This is my favorite family one. I love the casual feel to it. They are beautiful!
Cute cute kids!

This is a shot mom requested. She wanted a nice shot of his eyelashes. I Love how it turned out. I took it from many angles and this is my favorite!

This has to be the happiest baby ever! This is probably the only serene shot I got. I love it. He is such a doll. Seriously he was amazing!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

By the Tracks

Fall colors already...crazy. I am really going to miss Buffalo when we move! It has so much history and great locations! This city really has grown on me. It has a special place in my heart.
I grew up in a town were railroad tracks were not around. So I have always wanted to take pictures near the rail road tracks. We weren't intending to do any pictures on the railroad tracks we just grabbed a few and they are some of my favorites. This setting was perfect!

I am always so drawn to the little serene faces of children...they just get me! I love this one...

Yet another little serious face...I love it!
Beautiful mom and dad...

Monday, August 16, 2010


I love the fun summer feel of these pictures! It was quite warm when we took these pictures. We were all sweating up a storm. I love all the blond hair and blue eyes! Here are a few of my favorites from this session...